2023/11/01 Season 4 Patch Notes 4.0 Page 2

The following bug fixes have been implemented in the Season 4 Patch 4.0.

*As of October 31 (PDT) | November 1 (CET), the latest version for all platforms is as follows:

  • Update Data Ver.

Overview of Resolved Bugs

  • Fixed an issue in which Zipline Devices could be destroyed by using the Active Skill “Flames of Mt. Frypan”.
  • Fixed an issue in which, during the Active Skill “Listen”, the Raider’s skill would make other characters’ aura not display (excluding Saibamen hidden underground or characters that arrive during Super Attacks).
  • Fixed an issue where, when Hold: Hide is set in OPTIONS, characters use the Active Skill “Change (Camouflage)” while maintaining “Hide” (adjusted so that “Hide” is cancelled when using skills).
  • Fixed an issue where the Limit Gauge would not decrease during Ki Blast attacks while using the Active Skill “”Power Unleashed””. Also fixed an issue where, during Dragon Change level 1-3, the Limit Gauge would not decrease when using Ki Blast attacks during transformation under the same skill, then would decrease according to the amount of Ki Blasts performed when returning to the original Dragon Change state.
  • Fixed an issue where, if hit by a Raider’s close-range attack right when activating and moving under the Active Skill “Instant Transmission”, the movement is canceled.
  • Fixed an issue where the sound effects for Active Skill “Instant Transmission” would not play.
  • Fixed an issue with Survivor Skin “Oolong” where the character would become unable to move if Active Skill “Instant Transmission” was canceled while in water.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Active Skill “Rapid-Fire Ki Blasts” under certain circumstances would make Ki Blasts go off in a different direction than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Raider would not be sent flying even when the Knockback Gauge was at 0 when the Active Skill “Rapid-Fire Ki Blasts” was used.
  • Fixed an issue with the Active Skill “Grappling Device”, where the feature that accelerates the speed as the player travels longer distances would not function properly when activating the skill right after readying.
  • Fixed an issue where the skill effects for the Passive Skills “Power of a Super Elite” and “You’d better make this fun for me.” would not apply to attacks on opponents that are not locked on to.
  • Fixed an issue with the Passive Skill “Landing Delay Nullification” where, after landing a Saiyan Pod with the Active Skill “Saiyan Pod Remote”, the “Landing Delay Nullification” effects would activate.
  • Fixed an issue in the Passive Skill “Special Service” where, upon choosing to cancel a Dragon Change transformation, a larger remaining Limit Gauge would result in a smaller skill effect.
  • Fixed an issue with Passive Skill “Temporary Retreat” in which pulling Survivors from the top of an item box would make pulling them inside the item box possible.
  • Fixed an issue with the Passive Skill “Temporary Retreat” in which the description did not match other skills that increase mobility when strengthened. The initial value has also been changed to display as +0%.
    *Only the description has been changed. The effects have not been altered.
  • Fixed an issue with the Passive Skill “Expert Driver [Barrier Destruction Nullification]” so that the skill activates right after the character boards a vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where, when the Passive Skill “World Champion’s Grandchild” was strengthened to a certain number, after obtaining a Zeni-type item, the amount you receive would be 1 less than your “power-up bonus”.
  • Fixed an issue with Passive Skill “You’re All Going to Pay!” where the Survivor’s spirit would appear when escaping with an escape time machine.
  • Fixed an issue with the transphere Super Attack “Super Electric Strike” in which the attack would sometimes hit Raiders even through obstacles.
  • Fixed an issue with transphere Super Attack “Justice Combination” where, if you’re attacked with certain long-range Super Attacks right after activating “Justice Combination”, you would be sent flying.
  • Fixed an issue so that the sound effects for transphere Super Attack “Finish Buster” will play.
  • Fixed an issue with transphere Super Attack “Vanishing Ball” where the voice lines would not play when it was used.
  • Fixed an issue where even when hitting a character who has appeared due to a Raider’s skill with the transphere Super Attack “Vanishing Ball”, no damage is taken.
  • Fixed an issue in which after certain Super Attacks ended, or were cancelled due to receiving damage, the camera’s direction would not return to the same position it was in before the Super Attack was used.
  • Fixed an issue in which, if a vanish move was used on an opponent who was in the gap between the top of an item box and a wall, Raiders and Survivors could get stuck in the item box.
  • Fixed an issue where, even if the player hit a Raider with certain close-range Super Attacks or vanish moves, the result medal “Raider Eradicator” would not be accounted for in the end results.
  • Fixed an issue with Survivors during Dragon Change where, when the Limit Gauge reaches 0 during a vanish move, the Dragon Change is canceled before the attack finishes.
  • Fixed an issue with Fortuneteller Baba survivor skin where you would momentarily descend during ascent if you stopped entering movements.
  • Fixed an issue when, right before a Survivor calls forth Shenron via “Shenron Summoning Ritual”, even if the Survivor’s barrier is destroyed by a Raider’s attack, the barrier’s period of invincibility during the summon would continue.
  • Fixed the way the following Ki Blasts behave when they hit an opponent’s blast and also made them more easily cancellable:

    Transphere: Krillin (Normal): Dragon Change level 3’s Ki Blast attacks
    Transphere: Vegeta (Normal): Dragon Change level 2’s Ki Blast attacks
    Transphere: Vegeta (Super Saiyan): Dragon Change level 3’s Ki Blast attacks
    Transphere: Vegeta (Super Saiyan 2): Dragon Change level 2 and 3’s Ki Blast attacks
    Transphere: Android 18 (Normal): Dragon Change level 1 and 3’s Ki Blast attacks
    Transphere: Captain Ginyu (Normal): Dragon Change level 2 and 3’s Ki Blast attacks
    Active Skill: Rapid-Fire Ki Blasts

  • Fixed an issue where certain sound effects would not play when Ki Blasts and Super Attacks hit.
  • Fixed an issue where actions were canceled and characters were unable to move if Power Keys that were from item boxes were obtained in the air.
  • Fixed an issue where Raiders’ tracking Ki Blast attacks would follow any Survivors in range, even if they were using the Active Skill “Change (Camouflage)” and hadn’t been spotted. Adjustments were also made so that if multiple targets were available, they would each be tracked.
  • Fixed an issue with certain Raiders’ close-range attacks where only the closest Survivor is attacked even though there are multiple Survivors within range.
  • Fixed an issue in which attacks would not hit Survivors if, while closing in to make a close-range attack, head-on contact was made with the Active Skill “Get Out Here, Bubbles!”
  • Fixed an issue where, if a radar was used when boarding a vehicle in the map “WATERFRONT WARZONE”, the vehicle would become unable to go over raised portions of the map.
  • Fixed an issue on some platforms in the map “SNOWY MOUNTAIN” when Area E was destroyed, where Survivors couldn’t be seen by the Raider when Survivors were located at a certain coordinate.
  • Fixed an issue on some platforms in map “SNOWY MOUNTAIN” where, when Raider “Vegeta” evolution stage 4 destroyed an object, Survivors that were located where the destroyed object was couldn’t be seen.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Cell” in evolution stage 1 where, if he receives certain strike-based Super Attacks by Survivors, the final part of the attack doesn’t hit. Also fixed an issue where, every time the attack hits, characters are pushed apart.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Frieza” evolution stage 2’s skills and Super Attacks that attack where the opponent is located, like Super Attack “Explosive Wave”, in which opponents that were changed with skills like Active Skill “Change (Missile)” would be changed back before the attack hits.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 1’s Active Skill “Time Freeze”, where the skill’s effect would be canceled when approaching the limits of the skill’s range.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 1’s Super Attack “Paralysis” and Active Skill “Time Freeze”, where Survivors would not freeze under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 1’s Active Skill “Time Freeze” where Survivors in Dragon Change that enter the attack range using evasive actions would not have the freeze effect applied.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 1’s Active Skill “Time Freeze” where, if the skill was used on Survivors that were riding an escape time machine, the freeze effect would not be applied.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 2’s Active Skill “Let’s Do This, Burter!” where, when an opponent was sent flying due to Burter’s attack, using a close-range attack on them would not cancel the flying effect.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 3’s Active Skill “Let’s Do This, Burter!” where, under certain conditions, Survivors would be able to move around freely just before the final part of the attack hit.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 1-3’s Passive Skill “Teamwork” where, even though the Raider had the upper hand, the skill would activate when Survivors were attacked at close range.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 4’s Super Attack “Body Change” where the Super Attack would not hit Survivors when coming into contact with Bubbles from the Active Skill “Get Out Here, Bubbles!”.
  • Fixed an issue with Raider “Ginyu Force” evolution stage 4’s Active Skill “Power Level Boost” where the invincibility effect would get extended while the skill was in use. It will now only apply when the skill is activated.
  • Fixed an issue where the results medal “Battle Results” would display as platinum on the Raider’s screen when a certain number of Survivors who ran out of time while escaping with an escape time machine.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
  • The following are fixes for previously announced issues.

  • Fixed an issue where the camera is in a different position after performing certain Super Attacks.
  • Fixed an issue where, when a Survivor uses the Active Skill “Instant Transmission”, Raiders can still hit the Survivor even when they should be out of range if said Raider uses certain skills at a particular time.
  • Fixed an issue where Raiders can still hit a Survivor using the Active Skill “Instant Transmission” with a properly timed vanish move and follow them to their new location.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would lock when attempting to start an online match with “—-” or “Battle Suit 1” selected as a costume with the “Vegeta (Super Saiyan)” Transphere, as those costumes cannot be equipped with that Transphere.
  • Fixed an issue in which the “Landing Delay Nullification” skill unintentionally causes actions other than running to speed up under certain conditions.
  • Future Fixes and Adjustments

    The following will be corrected and adjusted in a future update.
    We kindly ask for your patience until the fixes and adjustments have been made.

    • An issue where the screen freezes and users are sent back to the title screen when starting the game for the first time in matching during the “TUTORIAL”.
      *Closing and restarting the game will allow you to start just before the point where the game froze.
    • Other

      For more info on the game update, check “Season 4 Patch Notes 4.0 Page 1” below!

      → Season 4 Patch Notes 4.0 Page 1